Thursday, June 23, 2005

Its Her

I think I finally saw her,

Above all others
she stood out clear..

Is she the one,
I hold so dear ?

Does she know,
that I am here ?

I'm insignificant,
thats what I fear..

Like the horizon,
beautiful and shimmering,
she's so close,
yet so distant..

I really don't know,
should I be more persistant ??

Monday, June 20, 2005


I never knew how it felt,

the taste of frosted strawberries,
the smell of melting butter,
the darkness of a starless sky,
the heat of human warmth,
the sweet song of the nightangle,
All the pleasures, simple and small.

Awakened from the long slumber,
You taught me how to feel and see,
You showed me how to walk and dance,
You made be unleash my dreams,
experience the utopian bliss,
as I lie in your arms,
the world waits,
for you.

Rustam Sengupta

My Quest

All the roads lead to the same destination,
But I seek the path less taken;
The green grass urges my desperation,
but my resolve, strong as a rock, stays unshaken.

As I mimic the fast flowing stream,
Cutting hard rocks to make its mark;
I chase my mad passionate dream,
Hurt and hungry and naked stark.

Being pushed to conformity, like the river,
Flowing calmly, serene, secure but shallow;
I search my piece of land forever,
As the light at the tunnels' end beacons me to follow.

I feel the yearning, the need, getting stronger,
For the day I stop feeling it, I'll be no longer.

Rustam Sengupta

A Human After All...

I open the window,
but with fear,
cause a stray bullet,
might pierce my ear.

I get startled
by sounds, high and low,
who knows,
there might be a bomb below.

I filter the water,
ten time before I drink,
maybe there's an AIDS virus,
running amok in the sink.

I am so feeble and so weak,
I quiver and stammer when I speak.

But I still remain, a bully, a domineer.
After all, I'm only human, my dear....

Rustam Sengupta